Covid 19 NYC

New York

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New York, USA


HD 1080p

Reel Duration: 11’50

Filmed in a semi-documentary style, New York City comes to life in all its intense drama.
The visual impressions bring to mind Dziga Vertov’s Man with a camera, or Walter Ruttman‘s Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis.

COVID 19 NYC 2020

Sunday March 27th 2020 in NY

New York, USA

March 2020

HD 1080p

Reel Duration:  6’21”

On March 27th New York City has become the epicenter of coronavirus in the U.S with over 47,000 cases.
The pandemic has forced millions of New Yorkers into their homes as local and state government enforce another 30 days stay-at-home order to try and flatten the curve.


What remains is a surreal and eerie state of quiet and calm across a city that is typically unaccustomed to life without the noise and chaos that makes up the very fabric of New York. Now between the intermittent screams of sirens as ambulances rush new patients to overwhelmed hospitals, the only noise one might hear are the sounds of birds singing.
While New York may still be the city that never sleeps, it is also a city that has been subdued, muted and left immobile.

This reel was shot in Times Square on  a Sunday afternoon, March 27.
An icy rain was falling; felt like ashes falling from a low dark sky.

April 2020 in NY

New York, USA

April 2020

HD 1080p

Reel Duration: 14’57”

Everywhere, gates lowered. Bar stools stacked upside down.
The boutiques of Soho, the specialty shops of Greenwich Village — for chess, for board games, for records — all locked away and dark. Little Italy’s signature sidewalk tables for alfresco dining had been hauled inside, leaving Mulberry Street just like any other street.


New York City’s new face under coronavirus showed itself under bright, blue skies in the spring of 2020.
It was a shuttered streetscape stripped of commerce and the jangled rhythms of footfalls, honking horns and even people’s voices, a scene that might follow a blizzard, overlaid on a cool spring day.

Some New Yorkers ventured out from isolation, alone or in twos or threes, for a peek around, filling the stillness with their own narrations on a city’s mood.
I was one of them… with a camera.