G8 Summit (2001) & Occupy (2011)


G8 (Genova, Italy)

Genova, Italy


Standard definition. 720p

Reel Duration: 31’59”

The 27th G8 Summit (which brings together 8 nations) was held in Genoa, Italy, on July 21–22, 2001.
It came one year after the Seattle G8 and is remembered as the peak of the worldwide anti-globalization movement, as well as for the brutality against demonstrators.
The protests and riots continued for a week.
The footage seen here, was shot over three days, then smuggled out of Italy following the Summit, in fear of confiscation at the border.
 (Please note that any use of this segment for face recognition is prohibited by US laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code.)

Occupy Wall Street, NYC

New York, USA

Standard definition. 720p Black & White

Reel Duration: 31’59”

Occupy Wall Street was a protest  movement against economic inequality that began in Zuccoti Park located in New York City’s financial district , in September 2011
 It gave rise to the wider Occupy movement in the United States and other countries.